Plastic pollution is a
worldwide problem.

So let’s all take
our piece of the pie.

Are you involved in a social enterprise or project
that is tackling plastic pollution?

Join our global network and get connected with
like-minded people.

Get inspired.

Do you sometimes feel depressed when hearing the news about plastic waste? High five! We do too. However, there are lots of social businesses and projects that are battling plastic pollution. Hear their stories and get inspired!


Team up.

Our goal is to become the biggest global network of social entrepreneurs that reuse, reduce, recycle, remanufacture or refurbish plastic in their own way. Whatever it is, let’s join forces to fight plastic waste in the environment.

Make impact.

We believe that we can make a bigger impact together by sharing knowledge, empowering each other and building a collective knowledge and skill set. When we all take our piece of the pie, we can enjoy the benefits together.

Grab some popcorn and watch their story.


Would you throw away plastic if it is worth money? Probably not. With this in mind,
Joe Green from the Philippines has set up his project, teaching people to convert worthless plastic waste into a valuable bag or wallet. With the money earned, the bag- and wallet makers can bring food on the table for their families.

The Lebanese NGO Operation Big Blue Association fights for clean beaches and oceans. To concur plastic pollution, they use these tiny pieces of plastic as construction material. This video shows how sand, cement and microplastics are turned into stepping stones on beaches.

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